The Friday after Christmas, as is our usual routine, I took the girls skating along with one of their friends. I watched as numerous arena patrons took to the ice, many of them in possession of brand new skates, no doubt opened in the early hours of Christmas.
The “I know I can fly” sentiments that reigned at that moment have suddenly faded as the daunting ice sheet beckons their untried blades. It immediately becomes obvious… some of those with new skates are new skaters, while others, though the skates be new, the feet that reside in them are ‘old hands’ (smiles) at the skating game.
An elderly gentleman glides around a couple times before seating himself on the visitor’s bench, resting his helmeted head (no doubt another Christmas gift from concerned children) on the wall as he catches his breath. He may not be able to make the rounds he once did, but he hasn’t forgotten HOW…
Another little guy (two years old his dad tells me) can stand with ease, but that is really all he can do. He tries hard as his parents coax him along, snapping pictures on their cell phone to insure that this moment isn’t forgotten.
Of course, I know how they feel.
So many times I have pinched my spiritual feet into a new pair of ‘commitments’ and felt the cramped arches that affected my ability to keep going on. It would have been much more comfortable to remain firmly ensconced in my old commitment, but they do require upgrading sometimes. The ease with which I once maneuvered through things long familiar is replaced by the tottering strides of a new venture… and the crash helmet seems to just get in the way.
But… new commitments make me stronger. Not giving up builds character. And anything that brings me closer to God is GOOD… even if it pinches!