Monday, April 6, 2015

Voices of Value

There is something I heard years ago that I have tried to incorporate into my everyday life: “There is a grain of truth in every criticism.” This tells me that whenever people state how they feel about me, or my actions, there is usually a reason for why they feel that way. And for the sake of my personal development, I need to step back and take a look.

In doing so, I have sometimes found it IS me and my actions, and sometimes it is THEIR PERCEPTION of me and my actions. Either way, I cannot ignore it. If I am wrong, I want to change me. If I am right, I need to attempt to change their opinion of me (if possible).

It isn't what they say about you,
it's what they whisper.
~ Errol Flynn
But, while it’s a good idea to hear the critics, be balanced in your “listening”. Dave Ramsey says, “Before you take feedback to heart, be sure you don’t make changes based on someone whose voice outweighs their value!” Some are going to criticize no matter what you do! Their words may hold a measure of truth, but their motive is not to help. 

So, take a moment to weigh their judgment, but continue to forge ahead and be blessed. Save your introspection and improvement for those who love and care about you and who share your passion to further the kingdom of God. Their admonitions will be seasoned with grace and will inspire you to grow! They will pray for you, and with you, and encourage you in your journey. 

That, my friend, is a voice that has value. And you can’t go wrong in giving it credence in your life.

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